Ian Mallinson


1 Review
12 Yrs Experience
Caulfield, VIC 3162

Eight years in financial services has not tempered the two reasons that drove me to become a financial planner:

1\. I've always wanted to help people - My family, like most, do not talk about money! there are two ways to respond to this, learn the ingrained behaviour, or embrace the challenge to learn everything you can. So when it came to the matter of combining your human desire to help and what I was passionate about, what better solution than to help people as a financial planner.

2\. I love to learn new things - Australia is country of constant legislative change, my desire to constantly learn drives client outcomes, your needs, goals and desires are my primary concern and if I can deliver that with efficiency and constant knowledge accumulation well that's just fun for me.


  • Government Assistance
  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Cashflow & Income
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Bronze
  • Rating 5.00
  • Number of reviews 1
  • First year providing advice 2012
  • Years of experience 12
  • Highest qualification
    • Postgraduate Diploma of Commerce
  • Language spoken
    • English


323 Hawthorn Rd
Caulfield, VIC 3162

Licensed by

Count Financial Limited

AFSL 227232