Brenton Henry profile photo

Brenton Henry

BNR Financial Services

13 Yrs Experience
Berwick, VIC 3806

BNR Financial Services

96A High St
Berwick, VIC 3806

Opening hours

  • 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday

At a glance

  • Adviser status Bronze
  • First year providing advice 2011
  • Years of experience 13
  • Highest qualifications
    • Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning)
    • Diploma of Financial Planning (1-8)
  • Language spoken
    • English


  • Government Assistance
  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Aged Care
  • Socially Responsible
  • Small Business Advice
  • Borrowing
  • Tax Strategies
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

My fees

I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients. Get in touch

I am flexible when it comes to fee structures for my clients, as each structure holds different benefits and are therefore valued differently by different clients depending on their needs.

Licensed by

Essential Financial Planning Australia Pty Ltd

AFSL 400439