Andrew commenced working in the financial services industry in 1999 and has completed a Bachelor of
Economics & Finance at RMIT, as well as the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) accreditation to
become an AFA Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner. Andrew is passionate about helping individuals
and families get their financial lives in order so that they have the greatest possibility of achieving their
desired goals, as well as helping people stay on track throughout all phases of their lives through the
implementation of individually tailored strategies that evolve as needs change.
Andrew is also a keen investor and enjoys both the fundamental and tactical side to investing. He is
married to Laura and they have three children. He enjoys running, cycling, football, going to the beach and
all things French.
My fees
At a glance
Adviser status
- First year providing advice 2006
- Years of experience 19
Highest qualification
- Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP)
Language spoken
- English
Rancie Financial Pty Ltd
Suite 4, 416-420 Collins StMelbourne, VIC 3000

Licensed by
Wpp Licensee Services Pty Ltd
AFSL 530393