Michael Radalj

Cube Private Wealth

1 Review
23 Yrs Experience
North Sydney, NSW 2060

“Being independent is a term that carries weight, so don’t be bluffed by those companies chasing better marketing with lines like ‘almost independent’, ‘independently owned’ etc. Those on the other side of the fence understand marketing kudos but don’t want to give up the easy commission money. It’s that simple.”

I am a financial adviser and Director of Your Private Advisers. As an adviser I enjoy the freedom that comes with my own Australian Financial Services License, allowing me to speak freely about any strategy or investment, putting my client’s interests first.

Our policy is to ease or eliminate altogether any commission wherever possible, and when we can’t, we rebate the commissions to clients periodically. Over the past few years we have given away over $60,000 worth of fees.

I have worked for a number of organisations including Merrill Lynch, Deloitte, Colonial First State and the NAB, as well as running my own businesses. I have extensive financial and commercial experience from having lived and worked in Japan, the UK and Australia.

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Platinum
  • Rating 5.00
  • Number of reviews 1
  • First year providing advice 2002
  • Years of experience 23
  • Highest qualifications
    • Chartered Accountant (CA)
    • Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
    • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Language spoken
    • English

Cube Private Wealth

Suite 205, Level 2, 150 Pacific Hwy
North Sydney, NSW 2060

Licensed by

Dimension Advice Pty Ltd

AFSL 514910