With over a decade of experience in professional services I had the interesting fortune/misfortune of attaining my first 'job' with the dark side and as a very young junior was employed by Storm Financial.
Due to significant 'philosophical' differences I left a long time (years) before the collapse and moved to safer, more stable minds - I headed up a conservative established accountancy firms financial planning division for 8 years where I was able to not only work with high net wealth individuals but was also able to hold a hand out to those victims of the imminent Storm collapse and assisted them in their negotiations, counselling and recovery through out the Global Financial Crisis.
To this day I have many of those people as clients and while the road has been challenging - they are in much stronger and safer positions today as a result of the continued advice and support.
While my ensuing career has always been haunted by my association with that organisation as a 21 year old - I have persevered in financial services. Even upon completion of my Law Degree I made the conscious and real decision to maintain my focus on improving clients lives through financial services - and while I can never avoid being associated with Storm (or the resultant ASIC review) - it has further confirmed for me my committment to helping others and validated that the Investment methodologies and fundamentals I hold true along with a strong emphasis on compliance and client centric education.
I cannot ever change the fact that as a young man I took a job that was offered to me by someone who was at the time a close friend... in an organisation that I knew nothing about, years before the GFC or the Storm collapse. I can be grateful I left long before that time. I can be grateful I learned and adapted. I can be grateful that I went to a conservative organisation that were steadfast in adopting methodologies that would protect and preserve the wealth of clients. I can be grateful that my personal clients navigated the GFC and were in a stronger position at the end of that time. I can be grateful that I have been able to take all of this and build Life Sumo - my purpose now is to educate others and show them the pitfalls, dangers and damage that are prevalent in the financial world as well as providing education on building wealth over time in a safe and efficient manner.
We are products of our past - I choose to let that positively impact my future and the futures of my clients.
My fees
We do not charge for the administration process required to put together an advice document. We disclose all of our fees in full in the advice document and don't charge for the statement of advice to be delivered so that you can weigh up all of the information prior to making a commitment. If you don't proceed with our advice, you don't pay anything.
Recent reviews
At a glance
Adviser status
- Rating
- Number of reviews 1
- First year providing advice 2006
- Years of experience 19
Highest qualification
- Bachelor of Laws
Language spoken
- English
Life Sumo
22 Barron View DrFreshwater, QLD 4870

Opening hours
- 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday
- 9:00am – 1:00pm Saturday
Meeting methods
- In person
- Phone
- Video call
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Synchron Advice Pty Ltd
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