Murray Nicol

Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd

20 Yrs Experience
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Murray started Financial Planning in 2004 and specialises in providing Wealth Creation (Investment), Wealth Protection (Insurance), Superannuation and Estate Planning strategies to assist a range of clients in both the Wealth Accumulation and Retirement stages of their life.

In particular he has developed extensive skills in dealing with business owners who require complex Business Protection, Self-Managed Superannuation Fund and Succession Planning advice.

Murray works alongside Benjamin King Money Wealth’s clients on long term tailored solutions including Investment Portfolios that take into consideration any Ethical, Environmental or Values Based Investment Options


  • Government Assistance
  • Superannuation
  • Insurance Protection
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Margin Lending
  • Aged Care
  • Expat Finance
  • Socially Responsible
  • Small Business Advice
  • Tax Strategies
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

My fees

I offer a free initial consultation for potential new clients. Get in touch

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Gold
  • Rating 4.88
  • Number of reviews 10
  • First year providing advice 2004
  • Years of experience 20
  • Highest qualifications
    • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
    • Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment
  • Language spoken
    • English

Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd

Level 42, 600 Bourke St
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Opening hours

  • 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday – Friday

Licensed by

Financial Index Australia Pty Ltd

AFSL 240559

Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd

AFSL 243253