Jonathan Scholes

Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd

19 Yrs Experience
Melbourne, VIC 3000

I became a Financial Adviser to help individuals, families and business professionals simplify their financial life. I believe that the most successful way to manage your financial affairs is to understand the implications of the choices you make every day.

I have learnt over the last twenty years that an ongoing relationship with a financial adviser is the most successful way to better your position, while protecting your business, family and loved ones.

My objective is to provide succinct easy to understand advice for clients that improves your financial position..

I am also committed to ensuring the profession of financial advice becomes one that is looked upon as trustworthy and ethical.

I am the proud leader of a team of client focused advisers across Australia and New Zealand who provide their ongoing expertise to over 3,500 clients.

At FINDEX we work with clients to understand what matters to you most, which often isn't just the money. We want to understand what makes you tick, what your pot at the end of the rainbow truly looks like.

Recent reviews

At a glance

  • Adviser status Gold
  • Rating 5.00
  • Number of reviews 1
  • First year providing advice 2005
  • Years of experience 19
  • Highest qualification
    • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Language spoken
    • English

Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd

Level 42, 600 Bourke St
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Licensed by

Financial Index Australia Pty Ltd

AFSL 240559

Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd

AFSL 243253