Michael Lanteri

Lanteri Partners Financial Management Pty Ltd

32 Yrs Experience
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Recent reviews

Lanteri Partners Financial Management Pty Ltd

Ground Floor, 1 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000

At a glance

  • Adviser status Platinum
  • Rating 4.89
  • Number of reviews 22
  • First year providing advice 1992
  • Years of experience 32
  • Highest qualification
    • Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA)
  • Language spoken
    • English


  • Government Assistance
  • Superannuation
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Self Managed SuperFunds
  • Shares & Investments
  • Property Investment
  • Cashflow & Income
  • Complex Investments
  • Expat Finance
  • Socially Responsible
  • Small Business Advice
  • Borrowing
  • Tax Strategies
  • Growing Assets
  • Wills & Estates
  • Budgeting

Licensed by

Lanteri Partners Financial Management Pty Ltd

AFSL 239127